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Spring brings colour back to Narrawilly Farm

· Farm life

What a difference a year and good rain makes!

Colour has returned to Narrawilly Farm and it is a joy to see blossoms on the trees once more, emerald green paddocks where healthy, happy cows munch on thick grass, and plenty of fruits, berries and vegetables ready to harvest.

After three years of severe drought, Spring in all her loveliness has returned to the farm. We hope you enjoy the photographs below of Narrawilly Farm in full colour.

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Image 1: Montbeliarde and Holstein cows graze in the northern paddocks

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Image 2: Holsteins munch on green grass in the southern paddocks

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Image 3: Blossoms and fruit in the citrus orchard

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Image 4: Bumper harvest of lemonades

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Image 5: Lilli pilli berries hang thick in the trees

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Image 6: Sweet and spicy, these spectacularly coloured lilli pilli berries are delicious to eat

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Image 7: Kumquats ready to harvest

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Image 8: Kumquat jelly made by Robert's mother Miriam

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Image 9: Bottlebrush (Callistemon) in crimson splendour

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Image 10: After flowering very little during the drought years, the bush of Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow ( Brunfelsia pauciflora) is a vision of loveliness in white, lilac and purple

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Image 11: Hello yellow!

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Image 12: G'day blossom!

The farm's two- and four-legged residents have thoroughly enjoyed the return of Spring...

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Image 13: Sweet dreams, Pumpkin?